Jack mackerel school of fish

Meeting Papers

COMM-01-01 Draft Provisional Agenda for the First Meeting of the Commission of the South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management Organisation.

COMM-01-02 Status of the Convention on the Conservation and Management of High Seas Fishery Resources in the South Pacific Ocean

COMM-01-03 Report of the Preparatory Conference

COMM-01-04 Report on the Implementation of Interim Management Measures

COMM-01-05 Report of the status of finances and funds to be transferred to the Commission

Information Papers

COMM-01-INF-01 Document List

COMM-01-INF-02 Process for Recruitment of the Executive Secretary (corr)

COMM-01-INF-03 Korean Report on the implementation of 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

COMM-01-INF-04 Chinese Report on the implementation of 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

COMM-01-INF-05 European Union Report on the implementation of the 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

COMM-01-INF-06 Chile Report on the implementation of the 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

COMM-01-INF-07 Data submitted to the Interim Secreteriat

COMM-01-INF-08 Peru Report on the implementation of the 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

COMM-01-INF-09 European Union Proposal for SPRFMO rules for Cooperating Non-Parties

COMM-01-INF-10 European Union Proposal for a Conservation Measure for establishing an IUU vessel list

COMM-01-INF-11 Australian Proposal for a Conservation Measure to prohibit the use of deepsea gillnets (Corr)

COMM-01-INF-12 Vanuatu Report on the implementation of the 2012 Interim Measures for Pelagic Fisheries

Reports of Working Groups

Observer Papers

COMM-01-OBS-01 CeDePesca Considerations about the management of the Chilean jack mackerel fishery in 2013

COMM-01-OBS-02 Deep Sea Conservation Coalition Briefing for the 1st Commission Meeting

COMM-01-OBS-03 WWF Briefing with attached fact sheets (1.6 MB)