COMM4 Meeting Papers
Please note that proposals to amend the SPRFMO CMMs are included under the meeting page of the Compliance and Technical Committee.
- COMM-04-01 Provisional
- COMM-04-01_supp Annotated Agenda
- COMM-04-02 4th Commission Meeting Document List
- COMM-04-03 Status of the Convention (Depositary)
- COMM-04-04 Draft Annual Report of the Commission
- COMM-04-05 Report of the 3rd Scientific Committee meeting
- COMM-04-06 Report of the 3rd Finance & Administration Committee meeting
- COMM-04-07 Report of the 3rd Compliance & Technical Committee meeting
- COMM-04-08 Access to evidence leading to IUU listing
- COMM-04-09 Memorandum of Understanding with CCAMLR
- COMM-04-10 NZ Proposed Amendment to CMM 1.04
Information Papers
- COMM-04-INF-01 Data submitted to the Secretariat
- COMM-04-INF-02 Tentative Meeting Program and Timetable
- COMM-04-INF-03 The Secretariat's administrative report
- COMM-04-INF-04 Observer Programmes of RFMOs
- COMM-04-INF-05 List of Authorised and Active vessels
- COMM-04-INF-06 DeepSea Conservation Coalition Briefing for the 4th Meeting of the SPRFMO Commission
- COMM-04-INF-07 Southern Hemisphere Porbeagle Stock Assessment update
Working Papers
- COMM-04-WP-01 Proposed Ammendment to CMM 3.01 (Korea)
- COMM-04-WP-02 SC report presentation
- COMM-04-WP-03_rev4 Proposal for a CMM for Exploratory Fisheries (Australia)
- COMM04-WP-04_rev1 Proposed Amendment to CMM2.07 Port inspection (Chile)
- COMM-04-WP-05_rev1 DRAFT Terms of Reference for the SPRFMO OPWG
- COMM-04-WP-06_rev1 NZ Proposed Amendment to CMM 1.04
- COMM04-WP-07 Recommended ammendments to the Implementation Report Template
- COMM-04-WP-08 Preliminary List of Attendees
- COMM-04-WP-09_rev4 Draft CMM for Exploratory Fishing For Toothfish
- COMM04-WP-10 Proposed amendment for CMM 2.05 (Record of Vessels)
- COMM04-WP-11_rev2 DRAFT CMM on stateless vessels (previously COMM04-WP-11_rev1)
- COMM04-WP-12 VMS Recommendations, Tender and ToR
- COMM04-WP-13 Proposed Ammendments for JM CMM
- COMM04-WP-14 VMS Tenderer Evaluation Criteria (EU)
- COMM04-WP-15 Proposed amendment to CMM 2.03 (BF)
- COMM04-WP-16 Proposed amendments to CMM 2.04
- COMM04-WP-17 Proposal for observation at landing_rev1
- COMM04-WP-18 SC Workplan
- COMM04-WP-19 Chairperson proposal to ament Decision 1.02