6th Commission Meeting
The Sixth Meeting of the SPRFMO Commission (COMM6) was held concurrently with the 5th meeting of the Finance and Administration Committee (FAC5) in Lima, Peru, from 30 January to 3 February 2018. The 5th meeting of the Compliance and Technical Committee (CTC5) took place immediately before, on 26-28 January 2018.
COMM 6 - Report (without Annexes)
List of Annexes:
1. Meeting Agenda
2. List of Participants
3. 2018 SC Workplan
4. Finance and Administration Committee
a. Budget for the Financial Year 2018-19
b. Financial contributions for the Financial Year 2018-19
c. Amendments to the Financial Regulations (new budget formula and travel plan)
d. Amendments to the Staff Regulations
e. Policy for Secondments and Internships
5. Final Compliance Report
6. Final IUU List
7. Amendments to Conservation and Management Measures
a. CMM 01-2018 (Trachurus murphyi)
b. CMM 02-2018 (Data Standards)
c. CMM 03-2018 (Bottom Fishing)
d. CMM 06-2018 (VMS)
e. CMM 14b-2018 (Exploratory Potting Fishery)
f. CMM 16-2018 (Observer Programme)
8. VMS Working Group
a. Report of the VMS WG (Working Paper 27)
b. Airtime Fees (Working Paper 26)
c. Secretariat s Security Standards (Working Paper 28)
9. Decision 06-2018. First SPRFMO Performance Review
10. Annual Report of the Commission
11. Amendments to the Rules of Procedure
12. Statements
a. Welcome speech by the Minister of Producci n (Peru), Ms Lieneke Schol
b. Welcome speech by the Chairperson of the Commission, Mr Osvaldo Urrutia
c. Intervention by Deeps Sea Conservation Coalition
d. Intervention by the NZ High Seas Fisheries Group
COMM6-Doc01 Provisional Agenda
COMM6-Doc01supp Annotated Provisional Agenda
COMM6-Doc02_rev2 List of Documents and related table
COMM6-Doc03_rev1 Draft Annual Report of the Commission
COMM6-Doc04 Workplan for the SC (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc05 IUU List (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc06 Final Compliance Report (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc07_rev1 Scientific Committee's advice on the Cook Islands Exploratory Fishing proposal
COMM6-Doc08 (19 January 2018) New Zealand report on the Status of the Convention
Discussed at the CTC meeting
COMM6-Prop01 EU proposal to amend CMM 06-2017 VMS (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop02 USA proposal to create a CMM for the SPRFMO Observer Programme
COMM6-Prop03_rev1 Cook Islands proposal for a CMM on Exploratory Pot Fishing in the SPRFMO Area
COMM6-Prop04_rev1 Vanuatu proposal to amend CMM 01-2017 on Jack Mackerel (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop05 New Zealand-Australia proposal for a new CMM on Bottom Fishing (WITHDRAWN, refer to COMM6-INF09)
COMM6-Prop06 European Union proposal to amend CMM 10-2017 on the establishment of a CMS in the SPRFMO Area (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop07 USA proposal for a new CMM on High Seas Boarding and Inspection
COMM6-Prop08 Korea proposal to amend CMM 12-2017 on Transhipment (WITHDRAWN, refer to COMM6-INF10)
COMM6-Prop09 New Zealand proposal for consequential amendments to CMM 13-2016 on Exploratory Fisheries (WITHDRAWN, refer COMM6-INF09)
Discussed at the FAC meeting
COMM6-Prop10 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Budget Formula (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop11_rev1 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Financial Regulations (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop12_rev1 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Staff Regulations (tracked-changes)
COMM6-Prop13 Chairperson's proposal for an Internship and Secondment policy for SPRFMO
Discussed at the Commission Meeting
COMM6-Prop14 European Union-Australia proposal for a Decision regarding the 1st SPRFMO Performance Review
COMM6-Prop15 European Union proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure (tracked-changes)
SC5-Report Report of the 5th Scientific Committee Meeting
Advice on the Cook Islands exploratory fishery proposal (refer COMM6-Doc07_rev1)
FAC5-Report Report of the 5th Finance and Administration Committee Meeting
CTC5-Report Report of the 5th Compliance and Technical Committee Meeting
COMM6-INF01 Tentative Meeting Program and Timetable
COMM6-INF02 The Secretariat s Administrative Report
COMM6-INF03 Catch data submitted to the Secretariat
COMM6-INF04 SPRFMO List of Authorised and Active vessels
COMM6-INF05_rev1 Background to the proposal for a new Bottom fishing CMM
COMM6-INF06 Additional information relating to the proposal to amend the Jack mackerel CMM
COMM6-INF07 Background to the proposal for a new Exploratory Fishery
COMM6-INF08 The current Implementation reports template (Annex II of CMM 10-2017, CMS)
COMM6-INF09 (19 January 2018) New Zealand-Australia proposal for a new CMM on Bottom Fishing
COMM6-INF10 (22 January 2018) Korea's proposal top amend CMM 12-2017 on Transhipment
COMM6-OBS01 NZHSFG Comments on the proposed SPRFMO Draft Bottom fishing CMM (Prop-05)
COMM6-OBS02 (DSCC Briefing for the 6th SPRFMO Commission meeting
COMM6-OBS03 CPPS: Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between the CPPS and SPRFMO