COMM6 Meeting Documents
The documents discussed by the 7th Annual Meeting of the SPRFMO Commission are listed below.
Plenary Documents
COMM6-Doc01 Provisional Agenda
COMM6-Doc01supp Annotated Provisional Agenda
COMM6-Doc02_rev2 List of Documents and related table
COMM6-Doc03_rev1 Draft Annual Report of the Commission
COMM6-Doc04 Workplan for the SC (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc05 IUU List (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc06 Final Compliance Report (to be developed during the meeting)
COMM6-Doc07_rev1 Scientific Committee's advice on the Cook Islands Exploratory Fishing proposal
COMM6-Doc08 (19 January 2018) New Zealand report on the Status of the Convention
Discussed at the CTC meeting:
- COMM6-Prop01 EU proposal to amend CMM 06-2017 VMS (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop02 USA proposal to create a CMM for the SPRFMO Observer Programme
- COMM6-Prop03_rev1 Cook Islands proposal for a CMM on Exploratory Pot Fishing in the SPRFMO Area
- COMM6-Prop04_rev1 Vanuatu proposal to amend CMM 01-2017 on Jack Mackerel (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop05 New Zealand-Australia proposal for a new CMM on Bottom Fishing (WITHDRAWN, refer to COMM6-INF09)
- COMM6-Prop06 European Union proposal to amend CMM 10-2017 on the establishment of a CMS in the SPRFMO Area (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop07 USA proposal for a new CMM on High Seas Boarding and Inspection
- COMM6-Prop08 Korea proposal to amend CMM 12-2017 on Transhipment (WITHDRAWN, refer to COMM6-INF10)
- COMM6-Prop09 New Zealand proposal for consequential amendments to CMM 13-2016 on Exploratory Fisheries (WITHDRAWN, refer COMM6-INF09)
Discussed at the FAC meeting:
- COMM6-Prop10 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Budget Formula (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop11_rev1 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Financial Regulations (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop12_rev1 Chairperson's proposal to amend the Staff Regulations (tracked-changes)
- COMM6-Prop13 Chairperson's proposal for an Internship and Secondment policy for SPRFMO
Discussed at the Commission Meeting:
- COMM6-Prop14 European Union-Australia proposal for a Decision regarding the 1st SPRFMO Performance Review
- COMM6-Prop15 European Union proposal to amend the Rules of Procedure (tracked-changes)
- SC5-Report Report of the 5th Scientific Committee Meeting
Advice on the Cook Islands exploratory fishery proposal (refer COMM6-Doc07_rev1)
- FAC5-Report Report of the 5th Finance and Administration Committee Meeting
- CTC5-Report Report of the 5th Compliance and Technical Committee Meeting
Information Papers
- COMM6-INF01 Tentative Meeting Program and Timetable
- COMM6-INF02 The Secretariat s Administrative Report
- COMM6-INF03 Catch data submitted to the Secretariat
- COMM6-INF04 SPRFMO List of Authorised and Active vessels
- COMM6-INF05_rev1 Background to the proposal for a new Bottom fishing CMM
- COMM6-INF06 Additional information relating to the proposal to amend the Jack mackerel CMM
- COMM6-INF07 Background to the proposal for a new Exploratory Fishery
- COMM6-INF08 The current Implementation reports template (Annex II of CMM 10-2017, CMS)
- COMM6-INF09 (19 January 2018) New Zealand-Australia proposal for a new CMM on Bottom Fishing
- COMM6-INF10 (22 January 2018) Korea's proposal top amend CMM 12-2017 on Transhipment
Information Documents submitted by Observers
- COMM6-OBS01 NZHSFG Comments on the proposed SPRFMO Draft Bottom fishing CMM (Prop-05)
- COMM6-OBS02 (DSCC Briefing for the 6th SPRFMO Commission meeting
- COMM6-OBS03 CPPS: Proposal for a Memorandum of Understanding between the CPPS and SPRFMO
Useful Links
- Report of COMM5 (Adelaide, Australia, 2017)
- SPRFMO Convention
- Rules of Procedure