Jack mackerel school of fish

3rd CTC 2016

Valdivia, Chile
21 January to 22 January 2016
Mr Osvaldo Urrutia

The third meeting of the Compliance & Technical Committee was be held on 21 to 22 January 2016 in Valdivia, Chile.

The final report was presented to the 4th meeting of the Commission as COMM-04-07.


CTC-03-01 Adopted Agenda for the 3rd SPRFMO CTC Meeting

CTC-03-01 supp.rev1 Annotated CTC Agenda

CTC-03-02_rev1 Meeting documents for the CTC

CTC-03-03 Draft Compliance report for Members and CNCPs (available from website Member/CNCP area)

CTC-03-04 Compliance related follow-up actions taken since previous CTC meeting

CTC-03-05 Draft IUU List (distributed to HoDs)

CTC-03-06 Template for Annual Implementation Reports

CTC-03-07 rev.1 Applications for CNCP status (Colombia, Liberia, Peru, USA, Panama)

CTC-03-08 Communications related to CMM 3.04 (Boarding and Inspection Procedures)

CTC-03-09 Proposal: CMM for Exploratory Fishing for Toothfish in the SPRFMO Convention Area (New Zealand)

CTC-03-10 Technical edits of the compiled CMMs

CTC-03-11 rev.1 Proposal: Amendment of CMM 2.07 (Minimum Standards of Inspection in Port) (Chile)

CTC-03-12 Proposal: Establishment of an Observer Programme Working Group (Chile)

CTC-03-13 Proposal: Amendment to CMM 3.02: Biological Observation of Landings (Chile)

CTC-03-14 rev.1 Proposal: CMM for the Management of Exploratory Fishing in the SPRFMO Convention Area (Australia) (Tracked changes version)

CTC-03-15 Proposal: Recommendation on vessels without nationality in the SPRFMO Convention Area (Australia)

CTC03-WP-01 Korea s Proposed Amendment of CMM 3.01

CTC03-WP-02 Communication received RE Artico

CTC03-WP-03_rev2 Proposal for Exploratory Fisheries CMM (Australia - previously CT-03-14)

CTC03-WP-04 Russian Federation Statement on Mys Marii

CTC03-WP-05_rev1 DRAFT terms of reference for SPRFMO OPWG (Based upon CTC-03-12)

CTC03-WP-06_rev1 Proposed amendment to CMM 1.04 (New Zealand)

CTC03-WP-07 Editorial suggestions for Implementation reports template (based upon CTC-03-06)

CTC03-WP-08 CTC List of Participants

CTC03-WP-09_rev3 DRAFT CMM for Exploratory fishing for Toothfish (New Zealand - Previously CTC-03-09)

CTC-03-INF-01 Implementation of CMM 2.05 (Record of Vessels)

Also please note:

COMM-04-INF-04 Observer Programmes of RFMOs