7th CTC 2020
The seventh meeting of the SPRFMO Compliance and Technical Committee (CTC7) was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu, on 10-12 February 2020, immediately prior to the SPRFMO Commission Meeting.
The CTC7-Report is now available (uploaded on 10 March 2020).
CTC7-Doc01_rev1 Provisional CTC Agenda
CTC7-Doc02_rev2 Annotated CTC Agenda
CTC7-Doc03_rev3 List of meeting documents (CTC)
CTC7-Doc04_rev1 CTC meeting Programme and Timetable
CTC7-Doc05 RESTRICTED Draft Compliance report (revised)
CTC7-Doc06 Follow-up actions related to Compliance
CTC7-Doc07 Trachurus murphyi Implementation Report
CTC7-Doc08_rev1 Commission Record of Vessels Implementation Report
CTC7-Doc09 Commission VMS Implementation and Operation Report
CTC7-Doc10 Port Inspections Implementation Report
CTC7-Doc11 SPRFMO Observer Programme Implementation Report
CTC7-Doc12 RESTRICTED Chairpersons Technical and Financial analysis of the Proposed Observer Programme Accreditation Evaluators
CTC7-Doc13 RESTRICTED Draft IUU List (revised) & Current IUU List
CTC7-Doc13.1 IUU Vessel List documentation process
CTC7-Doc14 Applications for CNCP Status
CTC7-Doc15 SC and CTC collaboration (CTC Chairperson)
CTC7-Doc16 Implementation of CTC Performance Review Recommendations
CTC7-Doc16.1 Possible proactive approaches for identifying non-Member/non-CNCP fishing vessels
CTC7-Doc16.2 Suitability of the audit point model in SPRFMO
CTC7-Doc16.3 Working Group on Identification of Capacity Building Needs
Amendments to existing CMMs
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions)
New CMMs
(Provided in clean word versions)
Other CMMs up for Review
(Provided in clean PDF and tracked word versions)