The Eleventh meeting of the Scientific Working Group and its subgroups was held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Edificio Carlos Garc a Bedoya, Jr. Lampa 545 in Lima, Peru between 15-19 October 2012.
- 11th Science Working Group Report (revised) including Annexes SWG-01 (Agendas) and SWG-02 (List of Participants)
- Report of the Jack Mackerel subgroup, Annex SWG-03 (revised) including technical attachments (4.4 MB)
- Report of the Deepwater subgroup, Annex SWG-04
- Diplomatic notes, Annex SWG-05
- Draft Science Working Group Research Plan, Annex SWG-06
SWG-11 Documents
- SWG-11-01 (rev 1) Draft Agendas for the Science Working Group and Sub-Groups
- SWG-11-02 Proposed schedule of meetings
- SWG-11-03 (rev 1) Draft Document List
- SWG-11-04 China 2012 Report
- SWG-11-05 Korea 2012 Report
- SWG-11-06 Chinese Taipei 2012 Report
- SWG-11-07 Chile 2012 Report
- SWG-11-08 (rev 1) Peru 2012 Report
- SWG-11-08a Peru 2012 2nd National Report (3.0 MB)
- SWG-11-09 Draft Science Working Group Research Programme
- SWG-11-10 Australia 2012 Report (1.1 MB)
- SWG-11-11 Ecuador 2012 Report
- SWG-11-12 New Zealand 2012 Report
- SWG-11-12a New Zealand Observer Implementation Report (2.8 MB)
SWG-11-JM Documents
- SWG-11-JM-01 (rev 1) Jack Mackerel Biological Reference Points
- SWG-11-JM-02 Comments and Suggestions regarding the Parameters
- SWG-11-JM-03 Characteristics of the Peruvian Stock (1.7 MB)
- SWG-11-JM-04 Insight on Population Structure (2.2 MB)
- SWG-11-JM-05 Working Plan Chilean Jack Mackerel Age Estimation
- SWG-11-JM-06 Jack Mackerel CPUE in Centre-southern Chile
- SWG-11-JM-07 Jack Mackerel Maturity off the Chilean Coast
- SWG-11-JM-08 Standardization of CPUE for Chiliean Jack Mackerel from the Chinese Trawl Fleet (update)
- SWG-11-JM-09 Reference Point Estimation (1.0 MB)
- SWG-11-JM-10 F Limit Reference Points
- SWG-11-JM-11 Russian Population Genetic Studies of Jack Mackerel in the South Pacific
SWG-11-DW Documents
- SWG-11-DW-01 Workshop on Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAS)
SWG-11-INF Documents
- SWG-11-INF-01 Seabird Bycatch Mitigation Fact Sheets
- SWG-11-INF-02 (rev 1) Potential Impact of Fishing Activity in the SPRFMO Area to Seabirds (2.0 MB)
- SWG-11-INF-02a Appendix 2: Seabird distribution maps for the SPRFMO Area (3.0 MB)
- SWG-11-INF-04 Minutes of Bio-Acoustics Technical Group Meeting
- SWG-11-INF-05 Identifying EBSAs on Seamounts
- SWG-11-INF-07 Factsheet - Salas y Gomez and Nazca Ridges
SWG-11 Presentations
- Presentation on SWG-11-08a Peru National Jurisdictional Waters report (2.9 MB)
- Presentation on SWG-11-JM-03 Peruvian Stock Characteristics
- Presentation on SWG-11-INF-02 Potential Impact of Fishing Activity in the SPRFMO Area to Seabirds (3.1 MB)
SWG-11 Working Documents
- WD 1 Proposed terms of reference for SPRFMO acoustic group
- WD 2 Draft SPRFMO Reseach Programme
- WD 3 Models
- WD 4 Liklihoods