Jack mackerel school of fish

A Science Working Group meeting will be held during the week of 03-05 March 2008 in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The meeting will include a full meeting of the Jack Mackerel Subgroup.

Further meeting information is available on the page for the Fifth Round of Consultations on the establishment of the proposed South Pacific Regional Fisheries Management organisation.

Report of the Science Working Group (including the report of the Jack Mackerel Sub-Group)

Meeting Documents

SPRFMO-V-SWG-01 Draft SWG Agenda

SPRFMO-V-SWG-02 Draft Jack Mackerel Sub-Group Agenda

SPRFMO-V-SWG-03 Document List for Fifth Meeting (this document)

SPRFMO-V-SWG-04 Timetable for D&I, SWG and Sub-Group Meetings, 3-7 March 2008

SPRFMO-V-SWG-05  Potential seamount location in the South Pacific Area

SPRFMO-V-SWG-06 Overview of National Reports for RFMO Scientific Committiees

SPRFMO-V-SWG-07  Proposed interim terms of reference for the Jack Mackerel Sub-Group & Deepwater Sub-Group

SPRFMO-V-SWG-08 Draft Guidelines for annual National Reports to the SWG

SPRFMO-V-SWG-09 NZ implementation of the Interim Measures for bottom trawl fisheries (amended 26 March 2008)

SPRFMO-V-SWG-10 Summary of data received by the Interim Secretariat (draft for comment)

SPRFMO-V-SWG-11 Updated status of the Chilean jack mackerel stock

SPRFMO-V-SWG-12 Recent genetic studies of Pacific jack mackerel, Trachurus murphyi, in Russia

SPRFMO-V-SWG-13 Progress report: Population structure of the Chilean jack mackerel, Trachurus murphyi, in the South Pacific Ocean

SPRFMO-V-SWG-14 Progress on the Chilean jack mackerel workshop

SPRFMO-V-SWG-15 Jack mackerel (Trachurus murphyi) fishery and biological aspects in Ecuadorian waters

Information Papers

SPRFMO-V-SWG-INF01 The Science behind the guidelines

SPRFMO-V-SWG-INF02 FAO Deepwater Fisheries Expert Consultation September 2007

SPRFMO-V-SWG-INF03 FAO Deepwater Fisheries Draft Guidelines February 2008