Scientific Committee Meetings
The meetings of the Scientific Committee (SC) are listed in this section. This Committee currently meets over the months of September and October each year.
The Scientific Committee has established three fishery-defined Working Groups: the Jack Mackerel Working Group, the Squid Working Group, and the Deepwater Working Group; additionally, a Habitat Monitoring Working Group has also been established. These groups meet during the annual Scientific Committee meeting and in inter-sessional virtual meetings and SC Workshops.
The Scientific Committee (SC) is established by Article 10 of the SPRFMO Convention and has the following functions:
- to plan, conduct and review scientific assessments of the status of fishery resources;
- provide advice and recommendations to the Commission based on such assessments (including reference points, management strategies and analyses of conservation and management alternatives);
- provide advice and recommendations to the Commission on the impact of fishing on the marine ecosystems (including on vulnerable marine ecosystems);
- encourage and promote cooperation in scientific research
- provide such other advice as it considers appropriate, or as may be requested by the Commission.
(For more detailed information about the Scientific Committee, refer to the Science page)