The Third Scientific Committee Meeting was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 28 September to 3 October 2015. It was preceded by a Data workshop from 24 until 26 September.
The 3rd Report of the Scientific Committee is now available.
Annex 8 of the 3rd Report - Jack mackerel assessment is also available.(1.5 MB).
A group photo of the attendees is available here (1.9 MB). The venue for both meetings was the Melanesian Hotel.
The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting.
SC-03 Documents
SC-03-01 Provisional agenda
SC-03-02 Proposed meeting schedule
SC-03-03 Document list
SC-03-04_rev1 Table of agenda items and related papers
SC-03-05 July 2015 webinar meeting summary
SC-03-06 USA Annual report
SC-03-07 Chinese Taipei Annual report
SC-03-08_rev2 China Annual report Part I (Jack mackerel fishery)
SC-03-09-rev1 China Annual report Part II (Squid jigging fishery)
SC-03-10 Peru Annual report Part I (SPRFMO Area) (1.8 MB)
SC-03-11 Fishing vessels as Scientific platforms (1.5 MB) (Full report)
SC-03-12 Pelagic Freezer-trawler Association self-sampling programme in the SPRFMO Area
SC-03-13 Colombia Annual report
SC-03-14_rev1 Chile Annual report (1.7 MB)
SC-03-15 Incidental catch in the Chilean jack mackerel industrial purse-seine fleet
SC-03-16 EBSAs in the Eastern SPRFMO Area - Information received from the CBD (2.1 MB)
SC-03-17 Vanuatu Annual report
SC-03-18_rev1 European Union Annual report
SC-03-19 Peru Annual report Part II (National Jurisdictional waters)
SC-03-20_rev1 Australia Annual report (1.7 MB)
SC-03-21 Proposed amendments to CMM 3_02 - Biological observation of landings (1.3 MB)
SC-03-22 New Zealand Annual report (1.1 MB)
SC-03-23 New Zealand Observer implementation report (1.4 MB)
SC-03-24 Standardised recording of hook parameters in demersal and pelagic longline fisheries
SC-03-25 Seabird interactions around fishing vessels and associated data collection protocols
SC-03-26 Progress with in-season modelling of squid within New Zealand's EEZ and Management Strategy Evaluation
SC-03-27 Biological and fishery aspects of the jumbo squid in the Peruvian Humboldt Current (1.2 MB)
SC-03-28 Korea Annual report
SC-03-29 Proposal for the establishment of an Observer programme Working Group
SC-03-30 Australian electronic monitoring program
SC-03-31 Secretariat SC related activities
SC-03-32 Squid information held by the Secretariat
SC-03-33 Report from the 6th SNP workshop on Peruvian Jack mackerel
SC-03-34 Observer programmes of RFMOs
SC-03-35 Distribution and abundance of giant Squid in Ecuadorian waters
SC-03-JM Documents
SC-03-JM-01 Hydrography and Jack mackerel stock in the South Pacific
SC-03-JM-02 CJM catch history and predicted 2015 catches (Annex I)
SC-03-JM-03 Preliminary analysis of Jack mackerel otolith microstructure
SC-03-JM-04 Likelihood profile diagnostic tool
SC-03-JM-05 Risk of overfishing and over-exploitation of Chilean Jack mackerel
SC-03-JM-06 DRAFT Terms of reference for jack mackerel age reading guidelines development
SC-03-JM-07 Update of CPUE of Jack mackerel at centre-south area off Chile 1983-2015
SC-03-JM-08 Modelling the early life history of Jack mackerel in the South Eastern Pacific
SC-03-DW Documents
SC-03-DW-01_rev2 New Zealand proposal to conduct exploratory bottom longlining (now including 2 appendixes) (2.6 MB)
SC-03-DW-02 New Zealand research relevant to the assessment of stocks of orange roughy (1.6 MB)
SC-03-DW-03 New Zealand notification of amendments to the status of blocks within its bottom fishing footprint for trawl
SC-03-DW-04 Predicting the distribution of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and options for designing spatial management areas for bottom fisheries
SC-03-INF Documents
SC-03-INF-01 Jack mackerel status in the South Eastern Pacific and exploitation management strategies (2.6 MB)
SC-03-INF-02 Competing Narratives: Getting your VME story heard above the rest. SC-03-INF-02 Summary page
SC-03-INF-03 ABNJ Deep Seas Project update
SC-03 Late papers
All late papers were accepted
Other Useful Documents
COMM-03 Roadmap for the Scientific Committee
Guidelines for Annual National Reports
Current Scientific Committee Research Program