SC04 groupPictureSmall cropped

The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands
Parkhotel Den Haag
10 October to 16 October 2016
Dr Jim Ianelli


The Fourth Scientific Committee Meeting was held in The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands from 10 to 14 October 2016. It was be preceded by an Assessment workshop from 7 to 8 October. Both meetings were held at the Parkhotel Den Haag.

The 4th Report of the Scientific Committee (rev 25 Oct) is now available.
Annex 7 of the 4th Report - Jack mackerel assessment (30 Dec 2016).

A group photo of the attendees is available.

The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting.

SC04 Documents for the SC plenary

SC-04-01 Provisional agenda

SC-04-02 Proposed meeting schedule

SC-04-03_rev3 Document list

SC-04-04_rev4 Table of agenda items and related papers

SC-04-05 July 2016 web meeting summary

SC-04-06 OPWG DRAFT CMM for the SPRFMO Observer Programme

SC-04-07 Vanuatu's Annual report

SC-04-08 Peru's Annual report Part I (SPRFMO Area) (1.2 MB)

SC-04-09 Peru's Annual report Part II (National Jurisdiction Waters) (1.8MB)

SC-04-10 China's Annual report Part I (Jack mackerel fishery)

SC-04-11 rev1 China's Annual report Part II (Squid jigging fishery)

SC-04-12_rev1 Australia's Annual report

SC-04-13 USA's Annual report

SC-04-14 Chile's Annual report

SC-04-15_rev1 EU's Annual report

SC-04-16 Chinese Taipei's Annual report

SC-04-17 New Zealand's Annual report

SC-04-18 New Zealand's Observer Implementation report

SC-04-19 Age, maturation and population structure of the Humboldt squid

SC-04-20 Research needs and level of detail required from fleets fishing for D. gigas

SC-04-21 Squid information held by the Secretariat

SC-04-22_rev1 Seabirds and large pelagic trawlers

SC-04-23 Summary of current SPRFMO by-catch records

SC-04-24 Australia's electronic monitoring program

SC-04-25_rev1 Secretariat s Scientific Committee related activities

SC-04-26 Notes on Peruvian Experience on Acoustic Data Collection

SC-04-27 Preliminary Analysis of CJM Target Strength

SC-04-28 September 2016 web meeting summary

SC-04-29 Colombia's Annual report

SC-04-30 Korea's Annual report

SC-04-31 Russian Federation Annual report

SC-04-32 EU's Observer Implementation report

SC-04-33 CPUE Standardisation for Chinese D. Gigas fishery in the South-east Pacific Ocean

SC-04-34 Squid stock assessment using a State production model


SC04-JM Jack mackerel working group papers

SC-04-JM-01 T. murphyi catch history and predicted 2016 catches (Annex 1_rev1)

SC-04-JM-02 The concept of "Pelagic metapopulation" as exemplified by T. murphyi

SC-04-JM-03 Microincrements and the formation of the first annual ring in otoliths of T. murphyi

SC-04-JM-04 Analysis of Jack mackerel otolith microstructure

SC-04-JM-05 Chilean Jack mackerel age reading protocol

SC-04-JM-06 Assessing the parsimony in the Jack mackerel stock assessment model

SC-04-JM-07 Reviewing the weighting factors used in the Jack mackerel stock assessmen


SC04-DW Deepwater working group papers

SC-04-DW-01 Collaboration between CCAMLR and SPRFMO in respect of Toothfish

SC-04-DW-02 New Zealand's exploratory toothfish fishery

SC-04-DW-03 Preliminary stock assessments for stocks of orange roughy

SC-04-DW-04 Progress towards a revised bottom fishing measure


SC04-INF Information papers

SC-04-INF-01 Special issue of Fisheries Research 178: The use of fishing vessels as scientific platforms (list of abstracts and bibliographical references).

SC-04-INF-02 ABNJ Deep Seas Project Update to SPRFMO SC

SC-04-INF-03 Biophysical modelling to assess population connectivity

SC-04-INF-04 the Pelagic Fisheries Associations self-sampling in the SPRFMO Area


SC Late papers

all late papers were accepted

Other Useful Documents

COMM-04 Workplan for the Scientific Committee

Guidelines for Annual National Reports

2013 Scientific Committee Research Program

Protocol for submission of meeting papers to the SC

SC-01 report

SC-02 report

SC-03 report