The Fourth Scientific Committee Meeting was held in The Hague, Kingdom of the Netherlands from 10 to 14 October 2016. It was be preceded by an Assessment workshop from 7 to 8 October. Both meetings were held at the Parkhotel Den Haag.
The 4th Report of the Scientific Committee (rev 25 Oct) is now available.
Annex 7 of the 4th Report - Jack mackerel assessment (30 Dec 2016).
A group photo of the attendees is available.
The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting.
SC04 Documents for the SC plenary
SC-04-01 Provisional agenda
SC-04-02 Proposed meeting schedule
SC-04-03_rev3 Document list
SC-04-04_rev4 Table of agenda items and related papers
SC-04-05 July 2016 web meeting summary
SC-04-06 OPWG DRAFT CMM for the SPRFMO Observer Programme
SC-04-07 Vanuatu's Annual report
SC-04-08 Peru's Annual report Part I (SPRFMO Area) (1.2 MB)
SC-04-09 Peru's Annual report Part II (National Jurisdiction Waters) (1.8MB)
SC-04-10 China's Annual report Part I (Jack mackerel fishery)
SC-04-11 rev1 China's Annual report Part II (Squid jigging fishery)
SC-04-12_rev1 Australia's Annual report
SC-04-13 USA's Annual report
SC-04-14 Chile's Annual report
SC-04-15_rev1 EU's Annual report
SC-04-16 Chinese Taipei's Annual report
SC-04-17 New Zealand's Annual report
SC-04-18 New Zealand's Observer Implementation report
SC-04-19 Age, maturation and population structure of the Humboldt squid
SC-04-20 Research needs and level of detail required from fleets fishing for D. gigas
SC-04-21 Squid information held by the Secretariat
SC-04-22_rev1 Seabirds and large pelagic trawlers
SC-04-23 Summary of current SPRFMO by-catch records
SC-04-24 Australia's electronic monitoring program
SC-04-25_rev1 Secretariat s Scientific Committee related activities
SC-04-26 Notes on Peruvian Experience on Acoustic Data Collection
SC-04-27 Preliminary Analysis of CJM Target Strength
SC-04-28 September 2016 web meeting summary
SC-04-29 Colombia's Annual report
SC-04-30 Korea's Annual report
SC-04-31 Russian Federation Annual report
SC-04-32 EU's Observer Implementation report
SC-04-33 CPUE Standardisation for Chinese D. Gigas fishery in the South-east Pacific Ocean
SC-04-34 Squid stock assessment using a State production model
SC04-JM Jack mackerel working group papers
SC-04-JM-01 T. murphyi catch history and predicted 2016 catches (Annex 1_rev1)
SC-04-JM-02 The concept of "Pelagic metapopulation" as exemplified by T. murphyi
SC-04-JM-03 Microincrements and the formation of the first annual ring in otoliths of T. murphyi
SC-04-JM-04 Analysis of Jack mackerel otolith microstructure
SC-04-JM-05 Chilean Jack mackerel age reading protocol
SC-04-JM-06 Assessing the parsimony in the Jack mackerel stock assessment model
SC-04-JM-07 Reviewing the weighting factors used in the Jack mackerel stock assessmen
SC04-DW Deepwater working group papers
SC-04-DW-01 Collaboration between CCAMLR and SPRFMO in respect of Toothfish
SC-04-DW-02 New Zealand's exploratory toothfish fishery
SC-04-DW-03 Preliminary stock assessments for stocks of orange roughy
SC-04-DW-04 Progress towards a revised bottom fishing measure
SC04-INF Information papers
SC-04-INF-01 Special issue of Fisheries Research 178: The use of fishing vessels as scientific platforms (list of abstracts and bibliographical references).
SC-04-INF-02 ABNJ Deep Seas Project Update to SPRFMO SC
SC-04-INF-03 Biophysical modelling to assess population connectivity
SC-04-INF-04 the Pelagic Fisheries Associations self-sampling in the SPRFMO Area
SC Late papers
all late papers were accepted
Other Useful Documents
COMM-04 Workplan for the Scientific Committee
Guidelines for Annual National Reports
2013 Scientific Committee Research Program
Protocol for submission of meeting papers to the SC