5th Scientific Committee meeting
The fifth Scientific Committee meeting was held in Shanghai, China, from 23 to 28 September 2017. The meeting was preceded by a 2-day workshop (20-21 September) covering selected Squid & Deepwater topics.
The following reports from workshops held in advance of the SC annual meeting are now available:
- Annex 4 - Deepwater working group report from Hobart, 25 May 2017
- Annex 5 - 2nd Deepwater working group report from Shanghai, 21 September 2017
- Annex 6 - Squid working group report from Shanghai, 20 September 2017
- Annex 9 - Tables and figures for the 2017 Jack mackerel assessment
A group photo of the attendees is available.
Some useful links and documents:
- COMM5 Workplan for the Scientific Committee
- Guidelines for Annual National Reports
- 2013 Scientific Committee Research Program
- Protocol for submission of meeting papers to the SC
- SC1 report, SC2 report, SC3 report, SC4 report
The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting:
SC5-Doc01 Provisional agenda
SC5-Doc02_rev3 Proposed meeting schedule
SC5-Doc03_rev1 Document list
SC5-Doc04 Table of agenda items and related papers
SC5-Doc05 July 2017 web meeting summary
SC5-Doc06 Summary versions for the SPRFMO Species profiles
SC5-Doc07_rev3 Revised Guidelines for Annual reports to the SPRFMO Scientific Committee
SC5-Doc08_rev1 Deepwater Workshop report (Hobart)
SC5-Doc09 Final report for the Fisheries dependent acoustic data task group
SC5-Doc10 Report of the November 2016 Lima workshop on Fishing Vessels as Scientific Platforms
(Annex 3 presentation 1, Annex 3 Presentation 2 )
SC5-Doc11 Proposal for a SPRFMO Task group on ecosystem and habitat monitoring
SC5-Doc12 OPWG Draft CMM for an Observer programme
SC5-Doc13 EU Annual report
SC5-Doc14 EU observer implementation report
SC5-Doc15 Russian Federation Annual report
SC5-Doc16 China Annual report part I: Jack mackerel
SC5-Doc17 China Annual report part II: Squid jigging
SC5-Doc18 Peru Annual report part I: SPRFMO Area
SC5-Doc19 Peru Annual report part II: National Jurisdictional Waters
SC5-Doc20 United States of America Annual report
SC5-Doc21 Chile Annual report Part I: Jack mackerel
SC5-Doc22 Chile Annual report Part II: Squid jigging
SC5-Doc23_rev1 Chinese Taipei's Annual report
SC5-Doc24_rev2 Australian Annual report
SC5-Doc25_rev1 Korean Annual report
SC5-Doc26_rev1 New Zealand Annual report
SC5-Doc27 Status of the fund for Scientific support
SC5-Doc28 Conservation concern for Antipodean wandering albatross
SC5-Doc29 Seabird interactions with squid jig fisheries
SC5-Doc30 Assessment of the risk of southern hemisphere fisheries to ACAP species
SC5-Doc31 Summary of current SPRFMO by-catch records
SC5-Doc32_rev1 the Secretariat's SC-related activities
SC5-Doc33 Vanuatu Annual report
SC5-Doc34 The Cook Islands Annual report
SC5-Doc35 Ecuador Annual report
SC5-JM01 T. murphyi catch history and predicted 2017 catches (Annex 1_rev1)
SC5-JM02 Chilean Jack mackerel age validation
SC5-JM03 Evidence of all life history stages for Jack mackerel in the northern Humboldt Current System
SC5-DW01_rev1 Proposal for an exploratory potting fishery (Cook Islands)
SC5-DW02 Update for New Zealand's exploratory fishery for toothfish within the SPRFMO Area
SC5-DW03 Proposals for a revised CMM for bottom fisheries within the SPRFMO Area
SC5-DW04 Draft stock assessment framework for bottom fisheries within the SPRFMO Area
SC5-DW05 New Zealand Stakeholder workshops on potential changes to the current bottom fishing CMM
SC5-DW06 Methods development for spatially-explicit bottom fishing impact evaluation within SPRFMO: 1. Fishery footprint estimation
SC5-DW07 Review of the current SPRFMO Bottom fishery Impact Assessment Standard (BFAIS)
SC5-DW08 The utility of move-on rules in CMMS to prevent SAIs of bottom fisheries on VMEs
SC5-DW09_rev1 Ecosystem approach considerations: Deepwater chondrichthyans in the Western SPRFMO Area
SC5-DW10 Preliminary ERA for the effects of bottom fishing on deepwater chondrichthyans
SC5-DW11 Low information stock assessment of Orange roughy in the SPRFMO Area
SC5-DW12 A simple delay-difference model for assessment of data-poor Orange roughy stocks
SC5-DW13_rev1 A data limited approach for assessing small scale fisheries for Orange roughy
SC5-DW14 Catch history based stock assessments of seven SPRFMO Orange roughy stocks
SC5-DW15_rev2 Potential scientific advice for Orange roughy stocks within the Western SPRFMO Area
SC5-SQ01 Squid information held by the Secretariat
SC5-SQ02 Stock assessment for Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific
SC5-SQ03 Spatial difference in elemental signatures within Jumbo flying squid statoliths
SC5-SQ04 Morphological variation and stock classification of Jumbo flying squid based on statolith shape
SC5-SQ05 Sexual niche partitioning of Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific
SC5-SQ06 Impacts of climate variability on habitat suitability of Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific
SC5-SQ07_rev1 Distribution, size composition, stock structure and assessment for Jumbo flying squid
SC5-SQ08 Proposals on research programme and data sharing for Jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific
SC5-SQ09 Observer report on Jumbo flying squid fishery from the SPRFMO Area
SC5-INF01_rev1 Southern Hemisphere porbeagle assessment report
SC5-INF02 Web meeting software
SC5-INF03 A CPUE based stock assessment of the Louisville Central Orange roughy stock
SC5-INF04_rev1 Age of Trachurus murphyi using daily growth rings in sagittae otoliths
SC5-INF05 Population biology and vulnerability to fishing of deep-water Eteline snappers
SC5-INF06 Limited genetic structure among broad-scale regions for two deep-water snappers
SC5-INF07 Species distribution models of tropical Deep-sea snappers
SC5-INF08 Evaluating the performance of otolith morphometrics in deriving age and mortaility in data-poor tropical fisheries
SC5-INF09 Review of the life history characteristics ecology and fisheries for deep-water tropical demersal fish
SC5-INF10 Ageing bias and precision for deep-water snappers
SC5-INF11 Oceanic latitudinal and sex-specific variation in demography of a tropical Deepwater snapper