7th SPRFMO Scientific Committee meeting
The Seventh Scientific Committee (SC7) meeting took place in Havana, Cuba, from 7 to 12 October 2019, with the Hotel Nacional de Cuba as venue. The SC Vice-Chairperson, Mr. Niels Hintzen (EU), took on the Chairperson responsibilities.
The Seventh SC Meeting Report (SC7), the Second Squid Workshop Report (SCW8), the Second Habitat Monitoring Workshop Report (SCW9), and the Jack mackerel Technical Annex Rev1 (SC7-Report Annex 8 Rev1) are now available.
The SC7 meeting was preceded by the second Squid Workshop (SCW8) from 5 to 6 October; the Chairperson of the Squid Working Group is Dr. Gang Li (China). The Habitat Monitoring Working Group also carried out its 2nd Workshop (SCW9) on 6 October; the Co-Chairs for the Habitat Monitoring Working Group are Dr. Mariano Gutiérrez (Peru) and Dr. Aquiles Sepúlveda (Chile).
A group photo of the attendees is available and the following papers were discussed and available during the meeting.
The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting. All late papers were accepted.
- Plenary documents
- Jack Mackerel
- Deepwater
- Squid
- Habitat Monitoring
- Observer papers
- Information papers
SC7-Doc01_rev4 Provisional Agenda
SC7-Doc02 Annotated Agenda
SC7-Doc03_rev2 List of Documents
SC7-Doc04 Indicative Meeting Schedule
SC7-Doc05_rev1 "Expanded" SC Multi-Annual Workplan
SC7-Doc06 DRAFT Protocol for SPRFMO SC Submissions
SC7-Doc07 DRAFT Guidelines for annual report to the SPRFMO SC
SC7-Doc08 SPRFMO Performance review (SC recommendations)
SC7-Doc09 July 2019 Summary of web meeting(s)
SC7-Doc10 Secretariat SC related activities
SC7-Doc11 Coarse summary of Observer coverage in SPRFMO
SC7-Doc12 Observer programme accreditation process and progress
SC7-Doc13 Update of bycatch of Species of Concern in SPRFMO
SC7-Doc14 Secretariat VMS summary and SC access to data
SC7-Doc15 Capacity building needs for the SC
SC7-Doc16_rev1 Status and use of the SC funds
SC7-Doc17 Future SC meeting planning
SC7-Doc18 Status of previous SC recommendations
SC7-Doc19 EU's Annual report
SC7-Doc20 EU's Observer Implementation report
SC7-Doc21 Vanuatu Annual report
SC7-Doc22 Australia Annual report
SC7-Doc23 New Zealand Annual report
SC7-Doc24 Managing scientific research in the SPRFMO Convention Area
SC7-Doc25 Deep-ocean climate change impacts on habitat, fish, and fisheries
SC7-Doc26 Ecuador Annual Report
SC7-Doc27 United States of America Annual Report
SC7-Doc28 Chinese Taipei Annual report
SC7-Doc29 Chile Annual report (Jack mackerel)
SC7-Doc30 Chile Annual report (Jumbo squid)
SC7-Doc31 China Annual report (Jack mackerel)
SC7-Doc32 China Annual report (Jumbo squid)
SC7-Doc33 Peru Annual report (SPRFMO Area)
SC7-Doc34 Peru Annual report (ANJ)
SC7-Doc35 Korea Annual report
SC7-Doc36 Russian Federation Annual report
SC7-JM01_rev1 CJM Catch History and predicted 2019 catches (Annex 1_rev2)
SC7-JM02 Space-time dynamics of Chilean jack mackerel fishery from South-central Chile in 2019
SC7-JM03 The jack mackerel fishery in Ecuador: Towards a participatory framework into the SPRFMO SC
SC7-JM04 Jack mackerel distribution in Peruvian national waters during 2018-2019
SC7-JM05 Minutes of the web meeting of stakeholders for the SPRFMO MSE project
SC7-JM06_rev1 CPUE standardization for the offshore Jack mackerel fleet
SC7-JM07 PFA self sampling report for SPRFMO, 2015-2019
SC7-DW01_rev2 Cook Islands Fisheries Operational Plan for an Exploratory Potting Fishery
SC7-DW02 Cook Islands exploratory lobster trap fishing in the SPRFMO – Trips 1 and 2
SC7-DW03_rev3 Chile exploratory fishing for Patagonian toothfish within the SPRFMO Area
SC7-DW04 Update on New Zealand's exploratory toothfish fishery
SC7-DW05 A 2019 orange roughy stock assessment for Louisville Ridge
SC7-DW06 A 2019 stock assessment of ORH 7A including Westpac Bank
SC7-DW07_rev1 Stock assessment and catch limit proposals for Westpac Bank orange roughy
SC7-DW08 Approach to updating stock assessments for the Tasman Sea stocks of orange roughy
SC7-DW09 Candidate species for stock structure delineation
SC7-DW10_rev1 Ecological risk assessment (ERA) for SPRFMO deepwater chondrichthyans
SC7-DW11 ERAs for teleosts in SPRFMO demersal trawl, midwater trawl and demersal longline fisheries
SC7-DW12 Data compilation for VME indication taxa & implications for SPRFMO habitat suitability models
SC7-DW13 A review of VME indicator taxa for the SPRFMO Convention Area
SC7-DW14 Evaluating the availability of data to assess catchability of VME indicator taxa
SC7-DW15 Summary of recent benthic bycatch data
SC7-DW16_rev1 Design of a review process for VME encounters in bottom fisheries in the SPRFMO Area
SC7-DW17_rev1 Progress toward a review of spatial and other management measures (CMM03-2019)
SC7-DW18 Approaches used by other RFMOs and CCAMLR to avoid significant adverse impacts on VMEs
SC7-DW19 Revision of the SPRFMO Bottom Fishery Impact Assessment Standard (covering paper)
SC7-DW20 Age data of orange roughy from the central Louisville Seamount Chain in 1995 and 2013-15
SC7-DW21_rev1 Uncertainty in model predictions and VME thresholds for CMM 03-2019
SC7-DW22 Cook Islands exploratory lobster trap fishing: Analyses of the biology of Jasus caveoruum
SC7-SQ01 Squid Datasets held by the Secretariat
SC7-SQ02 Distribution and fishing of jumbo squid off the Chilean coast in the 2019 season
SC7-SQ03 Changes in predominance of phenotypic groups of Jumbo flying squid in Peruvian waters
SC7-SQ04 Protocol for biological and biometric sampling of Jumbo Flying Squid in Peru
SC7-SQ05 Korean Observer report on squid jigging fishery in the SPRFMO Area
SC7-SQ06 Simulation study estimating observer coverage rate based on the 2018 China program
SC7-SQ07 A size-structure model to assess the Jumbo flying squid in the equatorial waters
SC7-SQ08 Direct evaluation of Jumbo squid in Chile
SC7-SQ09 Monitoring system for the Jumbo flying squid fishery in Peru
SC7-SQ10 IMARPE protocol for collecting jumbo flying squid muscle tissue for molecular analysis
SC7-SQ11 RAD sequencing technology for the evaluation of the Jumbo flying squid in Peru
SC7-SQ12 Genetic diversity and population structure of jumbo flying squid in the Southeast Pacific
SC7-SQ13 Jumbo flying squid distribution in Peruvian national waters during 2018-2019
SC7-SQ14 Environmental variability and abundance, availability, size and condition of Squid in Chile