SC9 photo 3

Microsoft Teams
27 September to 3 October 2021
Dr Jim Ianelli

The SC9 meeting will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams from 27 September to 2 October 2021. The SC Chairperson is Dr Jim Ianelli (USA) and the SC Vice-chairperson is Mr Niels Hintzen (EU). 

A Jack mackerel data workshop (SCW11) was held on 9-10/10-11 August 2021. The Jack mackerel Working Group Chairperson is Mr Martin Pastoors. The report of the SCW11 is now available. 

A Habitat Monitoring Workshop (SCW12) was held on 20/21 September 2021. The Habitat Monitoring Working Group is co-chaired by Dr Aquiles Sepulveda and Dr Mariano Gutierrez. The report of the SCW12 is now available.

A Deepwater Workshop (SCW13) was held on 21-23/22-24 September 2021. The Deepwater Working Group interim Chairperson is Dr John Syslo. The report of the SCW13 is now available.

The Ninth SC meeting (SC9) report and the Jack mackerel Technical Annex (SC9-Report Annex 10) are posted in this section. 

The following papers were discussed and available during the meeting. 

SC9-Doc01_rev3 Provisional SC9 Agenda
SC9-Doc02_rev1 Provisional SC9 Annotated Agenda
SC9-Doc03_rev2 SC9 List of Documents
SC9-Doc04_rev3 SC9 Indicative Meeting Schedule
SC9-Doc05_rev1 Scientific Committee multi-annual plan
SC9-Doc06_rev1 2021 intersessional SC web meetings
SC9-Doc07 Secretariat’s report on Scientific Committee related activities
SC9-Doc08 Status of previous SC recommendations
SC9-Doc09 Status of the SC (scientific support) fund
SC9-Doc10 Call for interest to organise forthcoming Scientific Committee meetings
SC9-Doc11 A summary of current SPRFMO bycatch records (Including species of concern)
SC9-Doc12 Species profiles
SC9-Doc13 ABNJ Update
SC9-Doc14 Vanuatu Annual report
SC9-Doc15_rev1 NZ Annual report
SC9-Doc16 USA Annual report
SC9-Doc17 Korea Annual report
SC9-Doc18 Ecuador Annual report - Jack mackerel
SC9-Doc19 Ecuador Annual report - Squid
SC9-Doc20 European Union Annual Report
SC9-Doc21 Chinese Taipei Annual Report
SC9-Doc22 Peru Annual Report - SPRFMO Area
SC9-Doc23 Peru Annual Report - ANJ
SC9-Doc24 Chile Annual Report - Jack mackerel
SC9-Doc25 Chile Annual Report - Squid
SC9-Doc26 Cook Islands Annual Report
SC9-Doc27 Australia Annual Report
SC9-Doc28_rev1 China Annual Report - Squid
SC9-Doc29 China Observer Implementation Report
SC9-Doc30 Russian Federation Annual Report
SC9-Doc31_rev1 Paper on the High Seas of Nazca and Salas y Gomez Submarine Ridges
SC9-JM01 CJM Catch history and predicted 2021 catches (Annex 1_rev1)
SC9-JM02 CPUE standardization for the offshore fleet fishing for Jack mackerel in the SPRFMO area
SC9-JM03 MSE Project Update
SC9-JM04 Genetics of Chilean jack mackerel in the South Pacific Ocean
SC9-JM05 Catch-at-age and abundance-at-age using new criteria of age assignment
SC9-JM06 PFA self-sampling report for the SPRFMO Science Committee 2021
SC9-JM07 Updating information associated with age and growth of Jack mackerel
SC9-JM08 Comments on the Genetics Research Proposal in Document SC9-JM04 from Chile
SC9-DW01_rev1 Proposal for exploratory bottom longlining for toothfish by New Zealand vessels 2022-2024
SC9-DW02 Addendum to the Cumulative BFIA for Australian and New Zealand bottom fisheries in the SPRFMO Convention Area 2020
SC9-DW03_rev1 Templates for Fisheries Operation Plans
SC9-DW04 Final report on New Zealand’s exploratory fishery for toothfish including assessment of any sustainability concerns
SC9-DW05 New Zealand's Fisheries Operation Plan template
SC9-DW06_rev1 Development of spatial management scenarios for bottom trawling
SC9-DW07 Determination of optimal move-on distance in SPRFMO bottom fisheries
SC9-DW08 Design of a review process for VME encounters in bottom fisheries in the SPRFMO Area
SC9-DW09_rev1 New Zealand 2020 VME encounter review
SC9-DW10 Updated candidate encounter thresholds for VME indicator taxa in the SPRFMO Area
SC9-DW11 Updated list of VME taxa (incorporating FAO criteria)
SC9-DW12 Assessment on how ID guides for VME taxa could be developed
SC9-DW13 Development of a framework for providing advice on species of concern captures
SC9-DW14 Age data of orange roughy from the Lord Howe Rise
SC9-DW15 Proposed Plan for an 2022 industry acoustic survey on alfonsinos and redbait
SC9-DW16 Chile Annual Report for Exploratory Fishing for Toothfish
SC9-SQ01_rev1 Update of Squid Datasets held by the Secretariat
SC9-SQ02 Summary of squid genetics programmes in SPRFMO
SC9-SQ03 Alternative Observer Programme for Peruvian artisinal vessels
SC9-SQ04 Squid On Board Monitoring Results
SC9-SQ05 Using a state-space surplus production model to assess squid stock
SC9-SQ06 Genetic diversity and population structure of Dosidicus gigas
SC9-SQ07 Genetic analysis Dosidicus gigas
SC9-SQ08 Stock assessment jumbo squid in Ecuador
SC9-HM01 Adapting the concept of metapopulations to large scale pelagic habitats
SC9-HM02 Jack mackerel interannual habitat variability
SC9-HM03 Vorticity and Jack mackerel catches
SC9-HM04 Habitat conditions for Jack and Chub mackerel in the Peruvian Sea Jan 2020 to Jun 2021
SC9-HM05 Classification of fleet by acoustic data collection capabilities
SC9-HM06 Jack mackerel habitat studies
SC9-HM07 Space-time dynamics of the Jack mackerel fishery off south central Chile 2004-2021
SC9-HM08_rev1 Spatial Distribution and Acoustic Habitat Monitoring of Chilean Jack Mackerel vessels 2021
SC9-HM09 Acoustic Equipment of the Purse Seine Fleet of Central-South Chile
SC9-HM10 Draft Terms of Reference for Habitat Monitoring Symposium
SC9-Obs01 DSCC - Precautionary approach and ecosystem approach in the context of prevention of SAI on VME
SC9-Obs02 DSCC - VMEs Communities and Indicator Species -Confusing concepts for conservation of seamounts
SC9-Obs03 CALAMASUR - Position statement
SC9-Obs04 CALAMASUR - Regional Stock Assessment of the Flying Jumbo Squid in the South-Eastern Pacific - A Conceptual Proposal
SC9-WP01_rev1 Jack Mackerel Species Profile
SC9-WP02_rev1 Jumbo Flying Squid Species Profile
SC9-WP03_rev1 Chub Mackerel Species Profile
SC9-WP04 Checklist for Scientific Survey Exploratory Fisheries
SC9-WP05_rev1 Additional information in response to EU’s question on Peru’s Annual Report
SC9-WP06_rev1 Peru’s response to EU’s question regarding reference points