Summary of Data requirements for carrier vessels
There are eight requirements in four different CMMs that a flag State operating carrier vessels should be aware of:
CMM 01 (Trachurus Murphyi) - Jack mackerel only
- Paragraph 18 “They shall also notify the Executive Secretary of the vessels that are actively fishing or engaged in transhipment in the Convention Area within 20 days of the end of each month.”
- This means that by the 20th of each month, the flag State is required to send a list of the vessels that were engaged in transhipment for the Jack mackerel fishery in the Convention Area using the Monthly Return (CJM) template Monthly Return (CJM). Instructions are available in the CMM01 Monthly Return (CJM) explanatory document.
CMM 02 (Data Standards) - All fisheries
- Paragraph 1c “ensure that data on landings and transhipment are collected from vessels according to Annexes 11 and 12 respectively”
- And Paragraph 1d “Members and CNCPs will provide by the 30th June, their previous (January to December) year’s data on fishing activities and the impacts of fishing described in sections 1b) – 1c) above. “
- This means that by 30 June of each year the flag State is required to send a complete set of Transhipment data for the previous calendar year for all fisheries (including both jack mackerel and squid) using the Transhipment Details template . Instructions are available in the CMM12 Operational details explanatory document.
CMM 02 (Data Standards) - all fisheries
- Paragraph 1c “ensure that data on landings and transhipment are collected from vessels according to Annexes 11 and 12 respectively”
- And Paragraph 1d “Members and CNCPs will provide by the 30th June, their previous (January to December) year’s data on fishing activities and the impacts of fishing described in sections 1b) – 1c) above. “
- This also means that by 30 June of each year the flag State is required to send a complete set of Reefer landings data for the previous calendar year for all fisheries (including both jack mackerel and squid) using the Reefer Vessel Landings template. Instructions are available in the CMM02 Reefer Landings explanatory notes.
CMM 02 (Data Standards) - all Members and CNCPs
- Paragraph 7 “In order to facilitate the work of the Scientific Committee, Members and CNCPs shall submit reports on an annual basis in order to keep the Scientific Committee informed, in a concise format, of their fishing, research, management activities over the previous year and include information pursuant to paragraph 44 of CMM 16- 2021 (Observer Programme). A “nil report” is still required in cases where there was no fishing inside the Convention Area. These reports should be prepared in accordance with the existing guidelines for such reports and shall be submitted to the Executive Secretary at least one month before each Scientific Committee meeting in order to ensure that the Scientific Committee has an adequate opportunity to consider the reports in its deliberations.”
- This means that one month before the Scientific Committee meeting each year (deadline available in the annual guideline to key data submission dates available on the data submission page of the website but usually around the beginning of September), the flag State must submit an Annual Report using the SC Guidelines. If there was transhipment activity only then a “nil report” is still required, but it can be as simple as an email to the Secretariat to inform us that no active fishing occurred, and that the email should be taken as the “nil report”.
CMM 05 (Record of Vessels) - all fisheries other than Jack mackerel
- Paragraph 13 “To this end each Member and CNCP participating in fishing activities in the Convention shall notify the Executive Secretary of the vessels that are actively fishing or engaged in transhipment in the Convention Area. In the case of vessels involved in the Trachurus murphyi fishery, this information shall be submitted within 20 days of the end of each month. For vessels involved in other fisheries within the Convention Area, this information shall be submitted on annual basis, within 30 days of the end of the year.”
- This means that by 30 January the flag State is required to send a list of vessels that were engaged in transhipment in the previous year (apart from for vessels engaged in transhipment only in the Trachurus Murphyi fishery, which would have been provided under CMM01 within 20 days of the end of the month).
CMM 12 (Transhipment) - all fisheries other than Jumbo flying squid
- Paragraph 4 “The competent authorities of the receiving fishing vessel (carrier vessel) shall notify the Secretariat, at least 7 days in advance, of a 14-day period during which transhipments of fishery resources caught in the Convention Area, with the exception of jumbo flying squid, regardless of where the transhipment takes place, are scheduled to occur.”
- This means that whenever a vessel intends to do transhipments other than of jumbo flying squid, the flag State is required to send a notification using the template Transhipment Notification, 7 days before the estimated time of the transhipment. Because this notification is 7 days in advance, it only needs to be for a general period (14 days) in which the transhipment is going to occur so not every field of the Transhipment notification template needs to be filled out. The flag State is permitted to authorise the vessel operators to send this to the Secretariat directly. Instructions are available in the Transhipment notification explanatory notes. Note that this does not apply to the jumbo flying squid fishery.
CMM 12 (Transhipment) - all fisheries
- Paragraph 4 “The competent authorities of both the unloading and receiving vessels shall notify the Secretariat of an intention to tranship at least 12 hours before the estimated time of such activity. The notification shall include the estimated date and time, anticipated location, fishery, and information about the vessels intending to tranship, in accordance with Annex 1. The competent authorities may authorise the vessel operator to provide notification directly to the Secretariat.”
- This means that whenever a vessel intends to receive fish, the flag State is required to send a Transhipment notification using the Transhipment Notification template, 12 hours before the estimated time of the transhipment . Because it would be hard to meet the 12 hour deadline otherwise, the flag State is permitted to authorise the vessel operators to send this to the Secretariat directly. Instructions are available in the Transhipment notification explanatory notes.
CMM 12 (Transhipment) - all fisheries
- Paragraph 8 “ The competent authorities of the unloading fishing vessel and the receiving fishing vessel shall notify all the operational details to the Secretariat, as specified in Annex 3, no later than 7 days after the transhipment is carried out. For vessels engaged in the jumbo flying squid fishery, the competent authorities shall notify the operational details within 20 days of the end of each quarter."
- Paragraph 9 "The competent authorities may authorise the vessel operator to provide this information directly to the Secretariat by email; should the Secretariat require any clarification, those requests shall be directed to the competent authorities of the relevant vessel.”
- This means that the flag State is required to send Transhipment data using the template Transhipment Details template within 7 days of the transhipment, or in the case of jumbo flying squid, within 20 days of the end of each quarter. Again, because it would be hard to meet the 7 day deadline otherwise, the flag State is permitted to authorise the vessel operators to send this to the Secretariat directly. Instructions are available in the CMM12 Operational details explanatory document.